Best Tasting Dairy Free Milk

Best Tasting Dairy Free Milk Rating: 5,1/10 4320 votes

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  1. Best Tasting Dairy Free Milk
  2. Almond Milk Dairy Free
  3. Lactaid Milk

There's lots of brands and types of non-dairy milk (soy, almond, rice, etc) and I was wondering where to find recomendations on which is the best tasting out of all the choices. I love the Silk Chocolate and Moca Soy Milks but don't really like the Vanilla and Regular flavors because they seem to leave an 'oilyness' behind that I still can't get used to no matter how much I try. The chocolate and moca flavors must cover it up. Is that 'oilyness' common for all soy based milks? Is rice any different? Any advice or opinions would be highly appreciated- thanx!

These dairy-free milk alternatives are usually not soy-free however, as they almost always contain soy lecithin. Blue Diamond's Almond Breeze is a good choice, especially the Original Unsweetened variety, though the others are tasty as well.

Best Tasting Dairy Free Milk

  1. Today we see what foods are dairy-free. Dairy vs Dairy-Free Taste Test Good Mythical Morning. Good Mythical Morning with Rhett & Link S10 • E56 Gluten-Free vs. Gluten Taste.
  2. Dairy-free does include milk-free, lactose-free, casein-free and whey-free, too! We also offer ample resources for gluten-free, soy-free, food allergy, vegan and paleo diets. Please note that ingredients, processes and products are subject to change by a manufacturer at any time.

I've always been a person with a distaste for milk. I think it tastes rather bad and for years caused IBS for me. I've tasted these soy and rice substitutes and they taste even WORSE than cows' milk. My question is WHY would someone who is intolerant of cows' milk for whatever reason, use these products unless they were compellingly delicious, nutritious, cheap or some sexually provocative reason? Is it childhood training that something like milk is GOOD, or a search for calcium or what?

The world is filled with delicious beverages, why would ANYONE want these fake 'milks.' Like I said, fill me in on the whyfor of the milk subs???? (I'm not being at all snide.

I'd really like to know.). As for me, and for a many people, I use soy milk because I'm vegan.

I don't believe in consuming any animal products including cow's milk. Mostly because I think the way the animals are treated is a disgrace, and I don't want to take part in the exploitation of any animal. That aside, once you get accustomed to soy milk, there's no going back. I prefer West Soy Non Fat Plain soymilk. I personally don't like Silk soymilk, I find it too thick and nutty tasting. I mean, I get what you're saying, about there really being no alluring reason to use soy milk or rice milk, b/c of their odd taste and high cost, but when you think about it, it's much healthier for your body, and you're taking a stand against the unethical treatment of animals.

That in and of itself is a good reason to abstain from using cow's milk. Others that are quite tasty are 8th Continent (sort of like Silk in texture), West Soy, plus all the smoothies out there. It's another West Soy fan!!

I happen to like their rice milk though (can't tolerate soy it makes me feel sick). Lenin, we use the 'fake milk' because water and juice taste disgusting on cereal. Pancakes and every other baked good just isn't the same using any other liquid. There is no easier way to get calcium into a toddler. And of course my favorite reason is that cookies just aren't the same dipped in water or juice. If you didn't like the ones you've tried then you didn't try the 'right' one. There are dozens of varieties to try and your bound to find one you like.

Almond Milk Dairy Free

If you're happy being milk/fake milk free then there's absolutely no reason for you to pursue it. Four of my five children and my husband are allergic and/or intolerant to dairy. It's difficult to get a toddler without molars to eat almonds, broccoli, kale and bok choy to fulfill her calcium requirements. She's also allergic to citrus so OJ is a not an option.

As for beverages we typically go for water as juices (with the exception of freshly juiced fruits and veggies) are empty calories that cause tooth decay. Anyway, that's my 'reason' for using dairy substitutes. I've never tried almond milk (too expensive!!) but it sounds delicious!!

Lactaid Milk

Has anyone here tried it? Love and Prayers, Kelly. So am I reading you right, you use milk subs because you feel you SHOULD be drinking something LIKE milk or were TRAINED to, or it makes some things we've gotten used to making WITH milk. I cannot argue for the uses of cows' milk, most certainly because I don't like it, but my reading of the last several posts leads me to believe that there are milk USES to which we have become accustomed and thus need a sub? So you all want a liquid.non-animal origin, that has calcium and makes a passable pancake and I guess, kids will tolerate and, I guess, must be WHITE? Is that sort of the gist? Jazzy, by milk I mean an exudation of an annimal's rice, almond, soy don't qualify as 'milk' even though they are white and opaque and goat, lion and wildebeest milk does.

Is it possible to take two steps back and say.there is no need for milk OR the white, opaque substances that can be made from other things that merely LOOK like milk? (like Griffin All-White for those old enough to remember it) Are there ways to make pancakes without going though the agro of making white liquid FIRST?

Do we NEED to schmutz almond-water so that we can make a baked product from wheat.millennia of societies have gone right to the water-wheat mixture. Is a white drink necessarry to get our daily calcium. Do you think that children demand whiteness from a beverage; to be like their peers perhaps? (Forgive me, I'm talky today ) edit: A thought I just it sensible for someone who has just given up meat to have all his veg formed into things that look vaguely like steaks. Is there something operating on a more deeply programmed level than just nutritional needs?

Lenin I think you're probably right. Who didn't grow up watching all those commercials about milk being good for teeth and bones not to mention the school system, doctors, dentists and grandmothers all pushing for that magical drink that promotes such health and vibrance (thank you dairy farmers!!). The fact is it is entirely unnecessary. Before I could afford the fake milks we did use water. The pancakes were fine and we didn't eat cereal.

We were entirely milk free for years. It can't be denied though that regardless of the color and contents of milk it simply makes food taste better. I don't sit down to a piece of cake and ponder what type of liquids were used to make it before I eat it.

I do however like cake made with milk better than cake made with water because it has a richer flavor. Of course, I was programmed to believe that cake is 'supposed' to taste a certain way because that's how it tasted growing up. I guess if I had never tasted cake with milk I wouldn't know any different. As for calcium if we breastfed our children until their molars were in there would be no need for them to drink milk 'for calcium' (truth being that cow's milk is much higher in phosphorus than calcium and not as good for our bones as supposed).

Even the fake milks are unnecessary for calcium considering there are liquid supplements available (what do we think they put in the fake milks). So I guess I have to admit it that I'm simply a slave to my tastebuds and a product of my upbringing.

So how do you feel about eggs? Love and Prayers, Kelly. LOLOL Kelly, I'm thinking about some sustitute for an egg.I gueess it would have to be a yellow ball of some kind surrounded by something rubbery that you could still CHEW. A TALL order indeed. You do bring up a point though.God, cereal is IMPOSSIBLE without some sweet white liquid on it!

My history is that I was desperately lactose intolerant for about 20 years.severe cramping and IBS within 15 minutes of milk. In that time I never even DREAMED of looking for a substitute, I just didn't even think of it.good thing too, I recently tasted all the subs and only ONE tastes even vaguely edible to me.and that's coconut milk (yummy) but the fat content and calories are APPALLLLLING! Some of the nut extracts are edible but OH, the PRICE and such a waste of one of nature's kindest gifts: pecans, walnuts, almonds. I can now do milk in amounts approaching 8 ounces.carefully, and not often.

I was never given it as a kid and I think that might have had something to do with the sensitivity.I think it's all through my father's family. The thing of it is that more than likely, the milk doesn't come from a cow happily chewing cud in the shade of a tree. More than likely, the cow was artificially inseminated and is being 'milked' by a machine, and all the hormones they injected into the cow go into that raw fresh milk that you're talking about. So in that situation, a beverage substitute that doesn't contain harmful antibiotics (or pus from an overworked, infected udder) is healthier for your body than the liquid that comes from that cow.

And truthfully, soymilk is not necessarily white, nor is it necessarily thick and 'milky'. The type I drink is clearish brown/grey, so it isn't the typical 'milk' that you think of. I think that at first, that's what makes people squeamish about using soy, rice, or almond milk. I think that if you're able to omit all substitutes for milk by abstaining from things like cereal, coffee, and someone mentioned pancakes, then that's your personal choice. But I love cereal, coffee and pancakes, and if I can make them/eat them w/soy milk then by all means I'm going to, and if that's a result of my upbringing, then so be it. A substitute for eggs? In baking it's easy, but it's a little tougher to sub for scrambled eggs or whatever.

I think in that situation, it's easier (for me) to forget about eating them. Come to think of it, I don't even like them. That's my 2 cents. Yeh, but do we know how those soy beans were processed? By who and how and in what conditions?

I've used tofu, soy milk, reg milk and so on and then I went to the soy bean farm, yes farm, the filth and stench was beyond any cow pasture and watching them pluck soy beans was enough to make me shiver. I still eat it, like I still drink organic, lactose free cows milk and they are all on the same farm land owned by the same people.

I don't think any is better than the other, all have some form of process that doesn't meet what we would like to invision as pure, natural non violent farming. I do happen to live near that farm that raises cows as well as soy beans and their cows are happy free roaming non injected cows, meaning no steroids, but then organic doesn't always mean pure and natural either. I drink Silk chocolate, and the smoothies but look at all the sugars, no getting away from the unhealthy even when trying to be healthy.

Yeh, but do we know how those soy beans were processed? By who and how and in what conditions? As long as it has been brought up, I've read that most soybeans are grown under extremely unsustainable, destructive conditions. Must confess that I have never looked into it much since soy is a fairly small part of my diet. In addition there is the assertion that just about all soybeans ought to be classified as genetically modified because of cross pollinization. Also haven't research that myself, but do know that the Shaklee (Shakee?) vitamin company (who I normally won't hold up as the pinnacle of any kind of virtue) states that they cannot honestly claim that the soy they use is non-gmo. Good for them!

And yes, certainly most milk does not come from cows happily chewing their cuds under a shade tree, but if more people sought out the products of such small, humane operations - who often are also into organic and heirloom produce, free range chickens and eggs, etc., etc., and whose prices are certainly better than healthfood store fare and often lower than the regular supermarket junk - they would proliferate.