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Oct 9, 2018 - Organizational Behaviour Stephen Robbins Pdf Free Download organizational. Timothy a judge pdf qwerjun 13, 2014. Book by stephen p robbins. Perilaku Organisasi Stephen Robbins Judge. Perilaku Organisasi Stephen Robbins Judge.pdf Free Download Here Perilaku organisasi = organizational behavior buku 2. Pdf-perilaku-organisasi.pdf - Pdf perilaku organisasi Pdf perilaku organisasi Pdf perilaku organisasi DOWNLOAD!DIRECT DOWNLOAD! Para pakar Perilaku Organisasi seperti Stephen Robbins.

Perpustakaan Digital Universitas Negeri Malang Koleksi Buku Koleksi Buku 2001 Robbins, Stephen P. 'Perilaku organisasi: konsep, kontroversi, aplikasi jilid 2 / Stephen P. Robbins; alih bahasa Hadyana Pudjaatmaka '2001 Judul Penulis Tahun Label Penerbit Tersedia Subyek: Perilaku organisasi: konsep, kontroversi, aplikasi jilid 2 / Stephen P. Robbins; alih bahasa Hadyana Pudjaatmaka: Robbins, Stephen P.: 2001: 658.3 ROB p: Jakarta: Prenhallindo:5: 1. MANAJEMEN PERSONALIA page 1 / 1 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org).

Organizational Behaviour Stephen Robbins Chapter 18. 1. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR S T E P H E N P. R O B B I N S E L E V E N T H E D I T I O N W W W. P R E N H A L L. C O M / R O B B I N S© 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.

Management Stephen P Robbins

PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook Chapter 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–2 Managing Planned Change Goals of Planned Change: Improving the ability of the organization to adapt to changes in its environment. Changing the behavior of individuals and groups in the organization.

Change Making things different. Planned Change Activities that are intentional and goal oriented.

Change Agents Persons who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing change activities. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–3 Resistance to Change Forms of Resistance to Change  Overt and immediate  Voicing complaints, engaging in job actions  Implicit and deferred – Loss of employee loyalty and motivation, increased errors or mistakes, increased absenteeism. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–4 Overcoming Resistance to Change Tactics for dealing with resistance to change:.

Education and communication. Participation. Facilitation and support. Negotiation. Manipulation and cooptation. Coercion. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc.

All rights reserved. 18–5 The Politics of Change  Impetus for change is likely to come from outside change agents.  Internal change agents are most threatened by their loss of status in the organization.  Long-time power holders tend to implement only incremental change.  The outcomes of power struggles in the organization will determine the speed and quality of change. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc.

All rights reserved. 18–6 Lewin’s Three-Step Change Model Unfreezing Change efforts to overcome the pressures of both individual resistance and group conformity. Refreezing Stabilizing a change intervention by balancing driving and restraining forces. Driving Forces Forces that direct behavior away from the status quo. Restraining Forces Forces that hinder movement from the existing equilibrium. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.

18–7 Action Research Process Steps: 1. Evaluation Action research benefits: Problem-focused rather than solution-centered. Heavy employee involvement reduces resistance to change. Action Research A change process based on systematic collection of data and then selection of a change action based on what the analyzed data indicate. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.

18–8 Organizational Development OD Values: 1. Respect for people 2. Trust and support 3. Power equalization 4. Confrontation 5.


Participation Organizational Development (OD) A collection of planned interventions, built on humanistic-democratic values, that seeks to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–9 Organizational Development Techniques Sensitivity Training Training groups (T-groups) that seek to change behavior through unstructured group interaction.

Provides increased awareness of others and self. Increases empathy with others, improves listening skills, greater openess, and increased tolerance for others.

© 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–10 Organizational Development Techniques (cont’d) Survey Feedback Approach The use of questionnaires to identify discrepancies among member perceptions; discussion follows and remedies are suggested. Process Consultation (PC) A consultant gives a client insights into what is going on around the client, within the client, and between the client and other people; identifies processes that need improvement. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc.

All rights reserved. 18–11 Organizational Development Techniques (cont’d) Team Building Activities:. Goal and priority setting. Developing interpersonal relations. Role analysis to each member’s role and responsibilities. Team process analysis. Team Building High interaction among team members to increase trust and openness.

© 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.

18–12 Organizational Development Techniques (cont’d) Intergroup Problem Solving:. Groups independently develop lists of perceptions. Share and discuss lists. Look for causes of misperceptions. Work to develop integrative solutions. Intergroup Development OD efforts to change the attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions that groups have of each other.

© 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–13 Organizational Development Techniques (cont’d) Appreciative Inquiry (AI):. Discovery: recalling the strengths of the organization. Dreaming: speculation on the future of the organization.

Design: finding a common vision. Destiny: deciding how to fulfill the dream.

Spotlight on Oracle Site Message: Rahinur Rahaman Authorization Key: 0-3-9. Toad for Data Modeler Site Message: Rahinur Rahaman. 'The Authorization Key and Site Message entered do not represent a valid Toad for Oracle trial license. Only trial licenses may be entered into the trial version of. The Site Message is case and space sensitive.Both a key and site message needs to be registered into Toad.The license key and site message can be obtain. Sep 24, 2015 - A license key or Authorization key will need to be inputted; along with its Site Message string. These two pieces of information will enable. Both the key and site message need to be registered. If trying to register a Toad for Oracle license key, the highest version that it can be use with is Toad for. Toad for oracle license key and site message.

Appreciative Inquiry Seeks to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of an organization, which can then be built on to improve performance. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc.

All rights reserved. 18–14 Contemporary Change Issues For Today’s Managers  How are changes in technology affecting the work lives of employees?  What can managers do to help their organizations become more innovative?  How do managers create organizations that continually learn and adapt?  Is managing change culture-bound?.

© 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–15 Technology in the Workplace  Continuous Improvement Processes – Good isn’t good enough. – Focus is on constantly reducing the variability in the organizational processes to produce more uniform products and services. Lowers costs and raises quality.

Increases customer satisfaction. – Organizational impact. Additional stress on employees to constantly excel. Requires constant change in organization. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc.

All rights reserved. 18–16 Technology in the Workplace  Process Reengineering – “Starting all over” – Rethinking and redesigning organizational processes to produce more uniform products and services. Identifying the organization’s distinctive competencies— what it does best. Assessing core processes that add value to the organization’s distinctive competencies. Reorganizing horizontally by process using cross- functional and self-managed teams. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.

18–17 Contemporary Change Issues for Today’s Managers: Stimulating Innovation Sources of Innovation:. Structural variables. Organic structures.

Long-tenured management. Slack resources. Interunit communication. Organization’s culture. Human resources Innovation A new idea applied to initiating or improving a product, process, or service. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.

18–18 Contemporary Change Issues for Today’s Managers: Stimulating Innovation (cont’d) Idea Champions Individuals who take an innovation and actively and enthusiastically promote the idea, build support, overcome resistance, and ensure that the idea is implemented. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.

18–19 Creating a Learning Organization Single-Loop Learning Errors are corrected using past routines and present policies. Double-Loop Learning Errors are corrected by modifying the organization’s objectives, policies, and standard routines.

© 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–20 Creating a Learning Organization Fundamental Problems in Traditional Organizations:. Fragmentation based on specialization. Overemphasis on competition. Reactiveness that misdirects attention to problem-solving rather than creation. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc.

All rights reserved. 18–21 Managing a Learning Organization Establish a strategy Redesign the organization’s structure Reshape the organization’s culture Managing Learning. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–22 Mastering Change: It’s Culture-Bound Questions for culture-bound organizations: 1. Do people believe change is even possible? How long will it take to bring about change in the organization?

Is resistance to change greater in this organization due to the culture of the society in which it operates? How will the societal culture affect efforts to implement change? How will idea champions in this organization go about gathering support for innovation efforts?. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.

18–23 Work Stress and Its Management Stress A dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint, or demand related to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–24 Work Stress and Its Management Constraints Forces that prevent individuals from doing what they desire. Demands The loss of something desired. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc.

Perilaku Organisasi Stephen P Robbins

All rights reserved. 18–25 Potential Sources of Stress  Environmental Factors – Economic uncertainties of the business cycle – Political uncertainties of political systems – Technological uncertainties of technical innovations – Terrorism in threats to physical safety and security. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc.

All rights reserved. 18–26 Potential Sources of Stress  Organizational Factors – Task demands related to the job – Role demands of functioning in an organization – Interpersonal demands created by other employees – Organizational structure (rules and regulations) – Organizational leadership (managerial style) – Organization’s life stage (growth, stability, or decline). © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–27 Potential Sources of Stress (cont’d)  Individual Factors – Family and personal relationships – Economic problems from exceeding earning capacity – Personality problems arising for basic disposition  Individual Differences – Perceptual variations of how reality will affect the individual’s future. – Greater job experience moderates stress effects.

– Social support buffers job stress. – Internal locus of control lowers perceived job stress. – Strong feelings of self-efficacy reduce reactions to job stress. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–28 Consequences of Stress High Levels of Stress Physiological Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms Psychological Symptoms. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc.

All rights reserved. 18–29 Managing Stress  Individual Approaches – Implementing time management – Increasing physical exercise – Relaxation training – Expanding social support network. © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 18–30 Managing Stress  Organizational Approaches – Improved personnel selection and job placement – Training – Use of realistic goal setting – Redesigning of jobs – Increased employee involvement – Improved organizational communication – Offering employee sabbaticals – Establishment of corporate wellness programs.